Broker Asheville

Broker Asheville’s Thankful for Home

Thanksgiving will find many of us at home. Alongside family and friends, we’ll share a meal and reflect on what we’re grateful for. At Broker Asheville, we’re especially thankful to be in the home business because we know that where we live is special.
Certain features like location or size or upgrades capture our interest in a particular property. But it’s the time we share at home with loved ones that make a house a home.
During this holiday season when many of us are contemplating about what we appreciate, it’s a perfect time to discover what makes your house (or condo or apartment or Airstream) special to you!
Perhaps, the best moments of your year happened on a porch swing over rambling conversations or at the kitchen counter during homework time. Perhaps, your home has a doorway lined with the heights of growing children. Maybe you spent this year working on a home improvement project or gardening to make your space a place that reflects who you are and how you live.
This holiday season is the perfect time to look around and consider what about your home you’re most thankful for and to let your home remind you of the very best times of the year spent with friends and family. 
Have a fantastic Thanksgiving!
The Broker Asheville Team
(Jeff, Leah, Jackson, Alyson, Dara, Chad, Kevin, Leigh, Joanna, Bret and Okra)

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